As You Shop

There are a number of ways you can help Beth Abraham simply by doing your daily shopping, or you can donate your old vehicle to turn into cash for the synagogue. Here are some ways you can help:

If you shop at Dorothy Lane Market or Kroger, you can link your loyalty card to credit a percentage of what you spend to help Beth Abraham. For Dorothy Lane Market, go to, and enter your name, DLM card number and Beth Abraham’s ID #798. This card must be renewed every year. For Kroger, go to and follow the prompts to register your card. Beth Abraham’s ID# is 85475. If you need help, just call the Beth Abraham office!

Another way to support Beth Abraham is through the CARS program. Beth Abraham has partnered with a company – CARS – that does all the work. Donors call the toll-free CARS number (855-500-7433) and CARS handles the operation from there. For more information, give the office a call.

Finally, another way to shop and help the Synagogue at the same time is to use Amazon Smile for all your Amazon purchases. Here’s how to sign up: 

  1. Visit
  2. Sign in with your log-in and password.
  3. Search for Beth Abraham Synagogue.
  4. Select Beth Abraham as your charity for donations.
  5. Add the Amazon Smile link to your bookmarks for easy access whenever you make a purchase!