Kiddush Crew

One of the nicest and most enjoyed traditions at Beth Abraham is the Saturday Kiddush lunch following Shabbat Services.  This meal has been lovingly and joyously prepared by a group of synagogue volunteers for a number of years.  Believe it or not, it takes from 6 to 8 volunteers per week, who work each Friday morning from 9:00 until approximately 10:30, to pull this off.

The jobs our helpers perform are:

  • Mashgichim (kitchen/kashrut supervisors)
  • Captain Cooks (they organize the cooking, the menu, and supervise the helpers)
  • Shoppers (they shop for the food) and:
  • Cooks/Helpers (they prepare the meal on Friday morning).

If you’re interested in joining our crew, give the office a call at 937-295-9520, or email us at .

“I love cooking on Fridays and working with different people each week. We have a lot of fun!  It’s wonderful to be part of a group of volunteers who are working together to honor the tradition of preparing Kiddush lunch.  I come home feeling very fulfilled.” – Claudia