Join us for Havdala-nukkah (pronounced Hav-dah-LAH-na-kah), a Hanukkah celebration on Zoom starting with Havdalah. There will be menorah lighting, games, a performance from the Religious School students, meeting new members, and special videos made by you! The Zoom link is (Meeting ID: 814 8219 4467 Passcode: 237824).
Make an original video for Havdala-nukkah! Write a new verse for the song “I Have a Little Dreidel,” then shoot video of yourself and anyone else who wants to join you singing it. Submit your video to no later than Monday, November 29. Here’s an example of a new verse:
I have a little dreidel,
I made it out of air.
But when I went to spin it,
It wasn’t even there!